DILEKA Environmental Technologies
The World's First Natural Water Revitalizer (Ionizer)


Jon Su
Business Partner
Dileka™ is a self-powered hydro ionizer, developed using combination of technologies such as vortex, photoelectric, far infrared and sounds, all are free (natural) energy to transform ordinary city water back to it's pristine stage by nature process
Its design combines a natural approach to generate multiple photoelectric without using any external power such as electricity, magnetic device or UV lights. Water going through the tube regains the qualities lost by intensive recycling and disinfection systems.
Scientifically researched and independently tested, Dileka™ is capable of transforming normal city water to the quality of spring water. It also restructured the water molecule back to it's pristine stage.

Ryokan Potier
Business Partner
70% of the Earth is covered with water, 70% of Human Body is composed of water. Water is the source of life. Almost all foundation of illness including sick building syndrome and pollution derives from the quality of water that we consume, use and discharge to the environment.
In developing countries, most people do not have access to quality water. City water loss most of it’s natural quality after going through filtration and chemical disinfection process.
Long distribution distance to consumers also contributes to the loss of quality in water. Along the distribution routes, contamination such as free radical, germs and e.coli bacteria may occur due to many unforeseen circumstances such as leakages or broken water pipe

Ryo Tamura
Business Partner
Dileka™ water is of spring quality; restructuring H₂0 molecules into micro-clustered, emitting built-in far-infrared treatment, has lower surface tension, soft, O.R.P balanced and highly ionised with anti-oxidant attributes.
Dileka™ providing you the highest water quality for residential, commercial and industrial consumption. All the above mentioned process are done naturally without any external power supply such as electricity, magnetic devices, UV light and etc.
Dileka™ is practically maintenance free and has a long lifespan of more than 15 to 20 years; supplying high quality water to the whole house or building.

Prof. Ar. Kikuo Tamura
Advisor & Inventor
The natural action of water tumbling over rocks, down waterfalls, flowing through twists and turns as it actively descends a mountain actually structures water. Water molecules are free to move and “dance with nature” in an energetically alive, fresh and vibrant manner.
Dileka™ through mimicking nature process, the molecular structure of city water can be changed to reflect lower surface tension, smaller water clusters, neutralised toxins, cleared memory and balances city water ORP (Oxidation/Reduction potential).
The result of structured city water is equal to high quality spring water reflecting more energy while offering increased hydration for people, animals, plants and things.
Drinking good quality water like spring water or highly ionized water can prevent free radicals , infections and diseases.
DILEKA Natural Water Ionizer is a self powered “Photoelectron Generator” first started in the Japanese market in 2002. The research and development of Dileka started in the early 1970s by Prof. Ar. Kikuo Tamura which lead to a small housing development in 1985, building “eco-house" concepts which uses nanotechnology and far-infrared to prevent various illnesses reportedly triggered by the use of new construction materials in Japan.
In 1996, Prof. Tamura-san studied the link between Japanese toilet wash-lets (bidets) and intestine cancers and started the development of DILEKA in 2001. The first model of DILEKA were produced in the second half of 2002, with the collaboration of TORAY (top synthetic fibre producer) and INAX (second biggest Japanese bath and toilet equipment maker). DILEKA expands into international market in 2004 and evolved into what it is today.
Our Business & Clienteles
Our technologies are proven to be able to enhance not only the quality and quantity of harvests for agriculture and industrial productions but also improves the quality of environment, living beings and human's health.
Our clienteles range widely from architects, doctors, engineers, marine consultants, hoteliers, manufacturers, farmers and corporate leaders to individual who knows the benefits of good or high quality water. They are satisfied and glad that our products and services met their needs and solved most of their anguish in water quality concerns.

Dileka are use in many sectors of industry such as agriculture, animals husbandry, food manufacturing, commercial buildings, restaurants to residential consumption. We have undertaken many successful experiments, proof of concepts and projects in Malaysia and other countries in collaboration with our international associates and partners. All our projects have been successfully achieved with visible results and data reports from independent professional laboratories and review from clients.


Water Regulations Advisory Scheme

IRH Ingénieur Conseil

Dept. of
Environment Hygiene.
Poland National Institute of Hygiene

Japan Industry Standard
JIB B9929 Ions measurement

Quality Food Supports-SPAIN

The Defence of Green Earth Foundation (DGEF) Japan
Japan Water Forum
日本水フォ ーラム

U.S Green Building Council