DILEKA Environmental Technologies
The World's First Natural Water Revitalizer (Ionizer)


Strawberry, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Salads, Yubari melons & etc.
(Ichigoya Strawberry & Tomatoes Farm - Chiyoda, Japan.)

(Hedon Salads Ltd, United Kingdom - Cabbage, Salads & Flowers)

(Flowers Farm)

(Yubari melons and Tomatoes Farm in Chiba, Japan)
In 2018, DILEKA 5025, 5040, 65PS and 8065 were used and tested on a hyponica tomatoes planting project in Japan. EfM effective microorganism by DILEKA Environmental Technologies were used as organic liquid fertilizer in replacement of chemical fertilizer. The combination of Dileka water and EfM probiotic has further enhance the Hyponica method and helps the tomatoes plant to grow to its full potential. DILEKA successfully conducted a project farm in Chiba, Japan; producing 17,000 - 30,000 tomatoes per plant (depending on type of tomato).

Hyponica is a Japanese farming method of growing plants by using air and water. Hyponica does not use soil or fertilizer. All plants can grow freely in the Hyponica method. It was first demonstrated to public in 1985 by agronomist Shigeo Nozawa in a tomato plant project in the Tsukuba Science and Technology Expo. He was successful in growing more than 12,000 giant "hyponica tomatoes" per plant by giving the young plants fresh water and effective microorganism only. He commented: "The only thing I did was remove conditions that would be hazardous to the trees' growth. I just facilitated their fullest self-realization."
Generally, to gain optimum production, the right balance of minerals, micro-organisms and water is needed. In hydroponics, the micro-organisms are often missing due to the lack of soil.
To achieve production gain, the following information is needed in order to customize the method of growing, particularly if Dileka is used for hydroponics.
1. List of feed (fertilizers)
2. Leaf Test (weekly)
3. Pesticides (if any)
4. Micro-organisms / bacteria (if any)
5. Water analysis

Flower Tests - by EMRO (EM Research Organisation)

The results speak
a thousand words.
Enoki mushroom farming with Dileka ionized water

Mushrooms Farming - Grows longer and better resistant to parasites and contaminations.


Water Regulations Advisory Scheme

IRH Ingénieur Conseil

Dept. of
Environment Hygiene.
Poland National Institute of Hygiene

Japan Industry Standard
JIB B9929 Ions measurement