DILEKA Environmental Technologies
The World's First Natural Water Revitalizer (Ionizer)


(Recommended standard unit and top selling model)
World's First Natural Water Revitalizer (Ionizer)

Transformed Ordinary City water to the Quality of Spring water "Naturally"

(Patented Japanese Advanced Nanotechnology. Made in Japan)
● The new 60RS is an upgraded model of Dileka 5040 & 5040-25 series. Dileka 5040 and 5040-25 are our recommended standard unit and the most popular models used in wide range of applications internationally. It’s the top selling model in Japan.
● Mountain water to your whole
household consumptions for
drinking, cooking, gardening,
washing and all the daily use.
● Abundant of long lasting negative
ion (antioxidant) benefits.
● O.R.P Balanced (oxidization
● Micro-clustered (smaller water
molecules) & lower surface tension.
● Far Infrared (Built-in F.I.R kills
99.9% of bad bacteria).
● Structured water - double helix
molecules similar to human's DNA.
● Maintenance Free. No internal parts
to be changed.
● No electrical power needed.
● Long life span (15-20 years).
DILEKA ionized water kept the food freshness longer

Test conducted by cutting an apple into halve. One half was placed in city water and the other half in Dileka ionized water (same water source after Dileka treatment).
Both apples were kept and left in a container for 3 days. Oxidization starts and differences can be clearly seen.
Results of City Water
Rapid oxidization with lots of bubbles and strong stale smell from the water. 80% of the apple flesh rots and became soft.
Results of DILEKA water
Slow oxidization with diminutive bubbles and modest smell. 30% of the flesh started to soften and rots while 70% are preserved.
Note: Dileka water has the attributes of antioxidant that slow down oxidization = slow down ageing process

DILEKA water
Penang City water
(DILEKA water has less bad bacteria on the tuna.)

(DILEKA ionized water)
(CITY water)
1. Nails were placed into two separate air tight
containers, one in DILEKA water and another in
City water.
2. After a few months, obvious oxidation (rusts)
can be seen in city water.
3. Photo below taken after 5 years - DILEKA water
reduce/suppress/prevent the nails from rusting
drastically, evidence of the anti-oxidation effects
by DILEKA water.
DILEKA 60RS has wide range of applications and usage in many sectors:
• Domestic/Residential
• Laundry
• Industrial and Private Cleaning
• Food Processing
• Beverages
• Restaurants
• Hair Dressers / Beauty Salons / Health Spas
• Supermarkets
• Auto Mobile Manufacturing
• Cooling Towers
• Plastic
• Cosmetics
• Agriculture & Horticulture (Soil, Hydroponics,
Marine Products e.g. Sea Weed)
• Livestock
• Fishery
• Dairy (Farms, Cheese, Yoghurt)
• Water Treatment Facilities (Private and
• Private Doctors
• Milling Operations
• Air Conditioning Technology
• Bakery
• Electric Furnace
• Freezing Equipment
Advantages of DILEKA compared to Alkaline machine


Water Regulations Advisory Scheme

IRH Ingénieur Conseil

Dept. of
Environment Hygiene.
Poland National Institute of Hygiene

Japan Industry Standard
JIB B9929 Ions measurement