DILEKA Environmental Technologies
The World's First Natural Water Revitalizer (Ionizer)
• Abundant of long lasting negative ions created naturally
• Smooth, soft feelings, refreshing and rejuvenating to drink - quality of mountain/spring water
• Micro clustered, ORP balanced and has lower surface tensions
• Prevention of Sick Building Syndrome – Piping burst and sediments built-up, mechanical
parts corrosion, prefoliation of bad bacteria in cooling tower, drainage & grease trap clogs. high
contents of BOD, COD in waste water discharge, treatment plant and etc.
• Eliminating or reducing the needs of using chemical/noxious based products such as chlorine,
fluoride, detergents, shampoos, soaps, pesticides, fertilizers and etc. (contains dioxin which is a
major agent to cancer)
• Built-in Far Infrared (F.I.R) kills 99.9% of bad bacteria such as e.coli, legionella, salmonella & etc.
• DILEKA water carries abundant of permanent negative millivolt (mV) – negative ion that provides
significant cellular benefits.
• DILEKA water process is unique, compared to other types of water energizing systems which is
not a natural vortex system.
• DILEKA water revitalizer equipment have been proven to hold negative charge almost
permanently in water, whereas other systems can lose charge within 1-2 days.
• No external power required such as electricity, magnetic device, U.V light and etc.
• Maintenance FREE and has a lifespan of up to 20 years.